Marketing Monday: How To Ask For Online Reviews

Originally Published May 2020

In this vlog and blog, we’ll talk about how to ask for online reviews. Specifically:

  • how COVID-19 is affecting online reviews
  • being human in the review-asking process
  • how to include proper review links
  • how to follow-up on your review asks
  • and a couple of quick examples.

Let’s learn together.

Also, be sure to check out our YouTube video on “How To Ask For Online Reviews” if you prefer to watch rather than read.

Ask For Online Reviews In A Human Way

First up, However you ask for your online reviews, be human and be yourself. Don’t Google “how to ask for a review” and grab some garbage and copy-paste it. Think about how you’d like to be asked, and ask.

Whether you’re doing it in-person or through email, just be clear, keep it short, and keep it personable.

Cover Image for How To Ask For Online Reviews Blog

Include Link/s To Review Sites

Also don’t forget to include links to your review sites. There’s nothing worse than someone asking you for a review, and then not giving you an easy way to do it.

I dislike it when I have to search for a company’s profile in order to leave a review. It may even cause me to give up because it’s too much effort.

So be sure to provide them an easy way to leave a review – either a link in an email, or an obvious button or tab on your website they can click.

Follow-Up On Your Review Asks

The last bit here is to follow-up.

Make sure you ask at least twice, but no more than thrice. According to BrightLocal research, 85% of people are willing to write reviews, they just need to be asked. Just like high school people, you don’t get a date to the prom if you don’t ask.

And while it’s important to follow up, because, people are human and have busy lives, asking more than three times is probably going to bug most people, so best to stop after that.

Examples Of How To Ask For Online Reviews

Ask For A Review: Plumber Asking Via Email

Hey Jen,

Can I ask you a favor? In my business, word-of-mouth is extremely important – I rely on recommendations. Because I just replaced your garbage disposal and installed your dishwasher last week, I was wondering if you could leave me a review on Facebook or Google? Here’s a link to both.

Whatever you write will be a big help to me and people who are looking for a plumber around Sauk Centre.

Thanks again and take care!

Ask For A Review: Restaurant Asking In Person

Here’s your change, and the pizza will be out in a few minutes.

After your meal, would you mind leaving us a review? Let us know what you thought of our service today and how the food tastes.

Whatever you write will be a big help to our local pizza shop here, and people who are trying to decide what to have for dinner! Just head to our website and click “leave a review”.


Marketing Monday: How To Ask For Online Reviews

Check out our other Marketing Monday videos in our YouTube playlist to help you learn how to develop your website and handle digital marketing for your company.