Search Engine Optimization

5 Ways To Get Better PPC Services By Having A Google Partner

A big part of search engine marketing (SEM) is the pay-per-click, or PPC services a digital marketing firm can provide.

PPC services allow you to pay per click for good positioning on Google search results for certain keywords. PPC services can give your advertising a quick boost to get to the next level, whether you’re looking for sales, leads, or an increase in views/visits.

One recent study found that many small businesses waste 25% of their PPC budgets due to misunderstanding of keywords and other search engine marketing issues. That’s why it’s important to work with a certified Google Partner like Cohlab.

Being a Google Partner means we are trained in various Google advertising methods, including PPC services, and have access to expert help from Google employees anytime we need it, to make sure we deliver the results you’re looking for. Having a Google Partner can greatly impact the effectiveness of your SEM, saving you money in the long term.

5 Ways To Get Better PPC Services By Having A Google PartnerCohlab is a Google Partner

1. Certified Analysts And Account Managers

In order to achieve Google Partner status, a digital marketing firm needs to have employees who are Google certified actively managing clients PPC services. Google keeps track of these certifications on their Google Partner website, and ensures they are up-to-date and that the firm meets Google’s standards.

2. Masters Of AdWords Featuresstocksnap_xbk2jsafg9

All Google Partner companies must manage a PPC services ad spend of at least $10,000 every 90 days.

Also, Google Partners need to be masters of AdWords and use them in a way which is profitable for their client. Some of the needed skills include:

  • Use of keywords/negative keywords
  • Proper links
  • Ad extensions
  • Phrase matching
  • Split testing
  • Broad match modified keywords
  • Proper ad scheduling

3. Google-Quality Services

Google reviews a Google Partner’s client accounts to make sure they are giving clients the best PPC services through their quality score ranking. Google also looks at how long clients stay active with digital marketing firms to measure the quality of a Partner.

4. Quick Response

Many Google Partners, including Cohlab, have Google Representatives they can contact at any time a client has an issue without waiting in line.

If your AdWords campaigns are shut down, you’ll continue to lose out on sales until those campaigns are reactivated. Usually, it could take 3 days to address this issue, but with a Google Representative, it can be addressed nearly immediately.

5. Testing And Innovation

PPC services include split testing ads, or running to different versions of ads for the same purpose. Google Partners are required to split test ads to attract the greatest volume of customers to a client’s site.